Sunday 25 December 2016


In today's world, science is moving ahead of all the Orthodoxical beliefs and mythologies as more and more people are starting to think in a logical and rational way. science, today gives explanation of the world in our surrounding ...and that's what we humans are most interested in , at least most of us. And when we talk about science, the first thing that most people get in their mind, or the first thing they picture in their mind is of physics and in particular they think of an apple falling down on the head of the greatest mathematician and scientist ever i.e sir Issac newton. So basically physics is the first thing most people think of science to be. so physics can also be called as most fundamental part of science as most people no matter how intelligent can think of its basic ideas and understand the basics of physics. This is just the first thing that sets physics apart from other parts of science like biology and chemistry. In our childhood, the physics that we are taught is actually called classical mechanics or Newtonian mechanics ....which is also a type of applied physics. But the other important topics or branches in physics include some of its most important theories or you can say its basic theories. So it is really important to study those branches as they form a really big part of physics as physics is lot more than just being the study of motion around us, its actually a study of the behavior and the function of the universe, it teaches us how we were formed ,how our universe was formed. So getting back on our topic, as the name of this blog says , i will give you just a small idea about a very important branch of physics that started as a theory that revolutionized the world of physics i.e relativity. This theory was actually proposed by or formed by a lone genius, sir Albert Einstein. He is known as the founder of relativity and also considered as the father of modern physics. And why not, after all he was the one to understand the concept of gravity and time even more deeply than the man who first proposed them. The theory of relativity is actually a combined theory of two different but inter-related theories which were the theory of general relativity and the theory of special relativity.

The special theory of relativity was published before the general theory. If i were to put it simply then this theory proposes two things: first, that the laws of physics are same for constant or non-accelerating objects through out the entire universe. Second, that the speed of light in a vacuum is same for every observer no matter what they're positions are or how they are measuring the speed. These two things made the special theory of relativity really special and was taken by the world as one of the greatest theory in physics. This theory also proposes a deep relation between space and time ,the two entities of the universe that most people think are entirely different .Due to this theory most people think that time has no physical existence. The time is a relative thing, the faster any object travels in the space,the slower it travels through time that means if an object travels faster and faster the time according to him or the time for him

The second theory that is the general theory is actually more complex than the special theory which is kind of  contrary to the name. This theory was also proposed by the same scientist. This theory is called "general" theory as it focuses on the more fundamental topics and nature of physics and the universe (at least that's what i think). The basic topics here are gravity and the effects of gravity on the space-time continuum. The general theory of relativity basically describes how light (the path of light) is affected by the gravity of any massive object. The effects of gravity arent limited to only the physical objects we see around us but also the relative entity of the universe that we refer to as time. The whole concept about time or the way we describe time is very simple i.e the interval between any two incidents or events. But this theory describes time as a totally different and a more complex thing than that was thought before, If you consider time as something so simple as the interval between two events then you cant explain how it actually works or why everything is just changing. Time has a fixed direction of propogation (well its not exactly the word i was looking for) which is that it always travel forward, never in reverse. These type of questions were always in the minds of humans but they were finally spoken out by sir Albert Einstein. This theory however, is less related to time than it is to gravity. Many experimental proves were given for this theory and all of them were found to satisfy the theory. The phenomenon like gravitational lensing, gravitational time dilation are some of the physical proves of this theory,

This blog is actually nothing compared to whats there to read about this theory. This was just a small understanding of relativity by me. If you liked this you can tell me where i can improve my words and i will look towards you comments..